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In the field of nanofabrication, engineers often face unique challenges in resource‐limited experimental budgets, the sensitive nature of process behavior with respect to controllable variables, and highly demanding tolerance requirements. To effectively overcome these challenges, this article proposes a methodology for a sequential design of experiments through batches of experimental runs, aptly named Layers of Experiments with Adaptive Combined Design (LoE/ACD). In higher layers, where process behavior is less understood, experimental regions cover more design space and data points are more spread out. In lower layers, experimental regions are more focused to improve understanding of process sensitivities in a local, data‐rich environment. The experimental design is a combination of a space‐filling and an optimal design with a tuning parameter that is dependent on the amount of information accumulated over the various layers. The proposed LoE/ACD method is applied to optimize a carbon dioxide (epet‐CO2) assisted deposition process for fabricating silver nanoparticles with pressure and temperature variables. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 62: 127–142, 2015  相似文献   
We consider a partially observable degrading system subject to condition monitoring and random failure. The system's condition is categorized into one of three states: a healthy state, a warning state, and a failure state. Only the failure state is observable. While the system is operational, vector data that is stochastically related to the system state is obtained through condition monitoring at regular sampling epochs. The state process evolution follows a hidden semi‐Markov model (HSMM) and Erlang distribution is used for modeling the system's sojourn time in each of its operational states. The Expectation‐maximization (EM) algorithm is applied to estimate the state and observation parameters of the HSMM. Explicit formulas for several important quantities for the system residual life estimation such as the conditional reliability function and the mean residual life are derived in terms of the posterior probability that the system is in the warning state. Numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the applicability of the estimation procedure and failure prediction method. A comparison results with hidden Markov modeling are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed model. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 62: 190–205, 2015  相似文献   
非合作通信背景下,针对传统干扰近似法(IAM)进行正交频分复用(OFDM)/偏移正交振幅调制(OQAM)系统信道估计需要导频符号值作为先验信息的问题,提出一种基于OQAM符号特征的IAM(OCBIAM)估计算法。该算法利用IAM导频结构和OQAM实符号的有限集特征,将信道衰落系数幅度和相位分开估计,在仅获得导频位置而未知导频符号值的条件下实现了OFDM/OQAM系统半盲信道估计。并且证明了OCB-IAM算法由于利用接收符号的二阶统计量将高斯白噪声变为非随机的单音干扰,从而在中低信噪比条件下具有优于IAM算法的估计性能。仿真实验验证了理论推导的正确性和OCB-IAM算法的可靠性。  相似文献   
遗传算法因其出色的寻优能力,自提出后就被广泛用于工程技术上的最优化问题求解。根据电力网攻击无人机分队任务分配的实际需要,提出基于遗传算法思想的解决方案,并在原算法基础上,采用种群分组进化的策略进行改进。详细介绍算法的基本原理和仿真步骤,再举出实际算例进行仿真,实验结果证明算法的改进取得了良好效果。  相似文献   
对某小型电动无人机(以下简称SEPUAV)在其左翼破损40%面积矩下的操稳特性进行详细分析。首先在此损伤下典型大侧滑角定常工作点附近进行特殊的小扰动线性化,然后进行特征根和飞行运动模态的分析;其次对此特殊构型SEPUAV进行操稳特性、时频响应特性进行分析。分析结果表明:左翼破损40%面积矩SEPUAV出现特有运动模态并影响全部纵侧向运动状态的响应;部分传递函数出现较多非最小相位零点从而导致初始响应发生反向;部分通道的Bode图中出现多个波峰波谷并有相角提前等现象。分析结果对后续容损飞行控制器的设计起到铺垫的作用。  相似文献   
如何快速地规划出满足约束条件的飞行航迹,是实现无人机自主飞行的关键。将改进的人工蜂群算法应用于求解无人机航迹规划问题,同时在人工蜂群算法的侦察阶段引入差分进化算法的思想。通过仿真实验并与标准人工蜂群算法比较,结果表明此算法能够有效加快收敛速度,提高最优航迹精度,是解决航迹规划和其他高维复杂函数优化的有效方法。  相似文献   
为解决燃油喷射系统参数优化中高效寻求全局最优解问题,综合响应面设计和遗传算法的优点和不足,采用多项式响应面模型代替原始遗传算法中计算量庞大的目标特性分析模型,建立了多项式响应面模型和遗传算法相结合的参数优化方法。结合非线性规划的凸性分析证明了遗传算法在预定优化区间内全局最优解的唯一性。对优化匹配后的喷射参数进行了模拟计算,结果表明:优化后柴油机油耗降低了1.96g/(kW·h),功率上升了0.99%,排气温度降低了21.86℃。表明该方法具有简单可靠、优化效率高等特点。  相似文献   
从齿轮箱内部动态激励、箱体动态响应及辐射声场预测等方面,研究了试验齿轮箱的辐射声场;分析了声场预测过程中产生的各种误差影响因素;通过扫描法声强试验对辐射声场全息面进行了测量,结果表明:在齿轮副理论啮合频率处,箱体辐射声场的预测值与测量值表现出更好的符合特性,验证了该齿轮试验机辐射声场预测方法的准确性。  相似文献   
研究了外激励作用下非线性支撑悬臂输流管道系统的Hopf分叉特性,建立了外激励作用下非线性支撑悬臂输流管道系统的动力学方程,并采用Galerkin方法离散动力学方程,由增量谐波平衡(IHB)法推导了方程的近似解析解,由Floquet理论判定了解的稳定性,同时给出了系统的Hopf分叉点。利用数值算法和IHB法研究了支撑位置、支撑结构刚度和阻尼对系统Hopf分叉特性的影响规律。研究表明:系统的幅频特性在Hopf分叉前后发生了改变,响应频率由外激励频率变为系统的自激振动频率,且系统Hopf分叉后,幅值显著增大。该研究结果可为悬臂管道的振动控制提供理论基础。  相似文献   
以简谐外磁场环境下的J-C模型为研究对象,从系统的哈密顿矩阵出发,通过计算模拟得出热力学纠缠度解析表达式。计算结果表明,对应于不同的外磁场强度,系统热力学纠缠度呈周期性余弦变化,但随环境温度升高快速衰减;在相同环境温度下,系统热力学纠缠度关于磁场强度左右不对称变化。  相似文献   
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